Elizabeth Bay Florist


Are you looking for a fabulous florist to send flowers to ELIZABETH BAY? VICTORIA BLUM FLORIST has over two decades of experience in the floral industry and a stellar reputation for delivering fresh, beautiful flowers. Whether you`re sending a bouquet for a special occasion or just because, our team ensures that each arrangement is hand-picked with care, using only the freshest blooms from the Sydney flower markets.  VICTORIA BLUM FLORIST is dedicated to providing exceptional service and delivering a quality product with every FLOWER DELIVERY delivered to ELIZABETH BAY.

Elizabeth Bay is a picturesque harbourside inner-city suburb in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Just three kilometers east of the central business district (CBD), it is part of the City of Sydney local government area. The suburb is named after the bay on Sydney Harbour and is separated from Rushcutters Bay by Macleay Point. Surrounding suburbs include Rushcutters Bay and Potts Point, with Kings Cross to the southwest and Garden Island to the north.

The suburb is renowned for its beautiful residences, leafy streets, and stunning harbourside views, offering a unique blend of urban living and natural beauty.

History of Elizabeth Bay

 Gurrajin is Elizabeth Bay’s Indigenous name it has always been an exclusive and high-class address. In 1837Colonial Secretary Alexander Macleay built his grand residence on the land, contributing to the area’s distinguished status. The bay was named in honour of Elizabeth Macquarie, the wife of Governor Lachlan Macquarie. The area sits on the Macleay Estate, a 54-acre land grant awarded to Alexander Macleay by Governor Ralph Darling.

FLOWER DELIVERY to Local Hospitals

We proudly serve Darlinghurst’s hospitals, including:

  • St Vincent`s Hospital, 390 Victoria Street DARLINGHURST NSW 2010
  • St Vincent’s Private Hospital 406 Victoria Street DARLINGHURST NSW 2010
  • Sacred Heart Hospice, 170 Darlinghurst Road DARLINGHURST NSW 2010
  • East Sydney Private Hospital 75 Crown Street WOOLLOOMOOLOO NSW 2011
  • St Luke’s Hospital 18 Roslyn Street POTTS POINT NSW 2011
  • Wolper Jewish Hospital 8 Trelawney Street WOOLLAHRA NSW 2025